Kyoto has become a place where humans and monsters have chosen to coexist, and Chimi Mōryō has become rampant. Saki, a succubus who attends a school in Kyoto that has turned into a magical land, uses her beauty and abilities to become the princess of her school!! Even though she is so indifferent, she also has a natural enemy. Her name is Yuu Ashiya!! She is a strong-looking man who doesn fall for only herself and is loved by other demi-humans!!! Saki, who calls herself the queen, can stand this sight, so she tries to bring down Ashiya faster than the other demi-humans, but...! ! ? A disgusting erotic fantasy of a harem without honor and honor, between a succubus who will definitely fall for you and an unconscious harem man!!
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Warning, the series titled "MOTEHARUNE, ASHIYA KUN" may contain violence, blood or sexual content that is not appropriate for minors.